Thursday, December 20, 2012

"I’ve learned to appreciate the artist that can not only be a great technician, but, more importantly, show the story or feeling that needs to be expressed to the audience."

To ballet dancers, The Nutcracker is an important part of every season. For me, this ballet is connected to a number of my first experiences in rehearsing and performing -- all of which began with Ron and Carinne at The Sacramento Ballet.
            I first performed in Ron’s production in 1997, when I was eight years old, as a ‘Mother Ginger’s Child.’ When I received the role, I was still a bit impartial to the whole “performing” thing; two years prior I had forced my mom to promise me that I would never go on stage again. Ever. However, my sister, Carolyn Judson, had performed with Sac Ballet as Clara the year before, so I decided I would try out, too.
            As soon as rehearsals began, my feelings about performing began to change. I remember being in my first rehearsal with Ron and him explaining to the room of 8 year olds why we were dancing for Clara in the first place. He told us that we weren’t just dancing to dance; with our movement, we were graciously thanking her for saving our friend, the Nutcracker, and for bringing him back to our land safely. I remember that I enjoyed getting to be a real character, rather than just a person dancing on stage. For the following nine years that I performed with the Sacramento Ballet (in The Nutcracker, as well as other ballets), Ron continued to instill in me this love of storytelling – how the audience cares most about the feelings you portray to them…those feelings are why they are watching you dance in the first place
            Today, after 6 seasons with the Houston Ballet, I’ve been lucky to perform as a number of different characters: the Sugar Plum Fairy, Clara, a Neapolitan Princess, and a swan, to name a few. And still, I go back to what Ron told us in that rehearsal 15 years ago. I’ve learned to appreciate the artist that can not only be a great technician, but, more importantly, show the story or feeling that needs to be expressed to the audience. My belief in what creates a great artist stems from my experiences with Ron; I try to be that artist every day I dance.
            Thank you, Ron, for all of the wonderful memories I’ve had in growing up with the Sacramento Ballet. Congratulations on 25 incredible years!


Love, Elise Judson

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