Sunday, December 23, 2012

Some of my fondest memories of Nutcracker

Some of my fondest memories of Nutcracker begin with the Party Scene.  Every year Ron would give his speech about how 'we' (the dancers) were responsible for our party children.  If our children picked their nose, it meant we, as parents, were picking our nose.  It seems funny, and it was, but the truth is, he wanted us to be accountable for our time as a momentary family on stage.  Ron wanted it real, and he wanted us to act, with the intent of bringing real life to the stage.

I never got to participate in Battle scene, but would have if given the chance.  I was always determined to get Ron or Carinne to let me do absolutely every part in Nutcracker.  

This brings me to my greatest memory to date....dancing the first ever part of female Russian lead.  I think I begged Ron to let me do the 'male' version for years, and years, but to no avail.... until my last year.  I was fortunate enough to have been the first at Sac ballet to do Russian lead!  I didn't get to do the boy's version, but it did get a revamp and I will remember it forever.

Doing post performance talks were always a wonderful time to see those that always supported us with food or love through absolutely ALL...Janny, Fred, Eileen and Dennis, Lois, the list goes on.... to you, Ron and Carinne, and the Sac Ballet....may you have many more wonderful years.  
Thank you for mine!

Whitney (Simler) Popp 

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